When you've cleared a stage, you get bonus points for each bullet left in your gun. The catch is that you get a limited number of bullets in each stage. And since many blackshirts are tucked away out of your direct line of sight, you'll have to think geometrically to make the bullets ricochet into all of the enemies. The fun part is that your bullets ricochet off the walls and platforms.

Bullets with a triple charge, small bombs, which will break all these terrible fascists - you'll feel like a hero, who cleans the world of all the evil. At the beginning of the game there are few of them, but with every past stage, the levels become more difficult - and now the whole crowd is against you! Of course, you will get a better protection, but need more skill and dexterity to overcome the enemies. In Ricochet Assassin, your character planted himself in lower left corner of the screen - you have only a gun and your intelligence against a dispersion of ruthless blackshirts, which are carefully placed in the area before you. Now you can go through all puzzle levels (as many as 99) for free. I’m talking full iOS game that is marked down temporarily to free to boost downloads - Ricochet Assassin game, update, available on the App Store. Need a free game fix? I’m not talking about those annoying "freemium" games that make you pay as you go.